Monday, March 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

Although I’m now 32 years old, I still love my Mom with all of my heart. Today is a special day because we're celebrating her birthday. I still have the piece of paper on which I wrote this poem for her back in 1977. I can recite this as if I wrote it yesterday.

A mother is someone who always cares
She’s watching you here and she’s watching you there
She trying to make sure that you grow up good
To do the things that you know you should
She’s watching forever time after time
To make sure you haven’t committed some kind of crime
She’s just like a bird, she watches like a dove
She’s trying real hard to give you her love

click thumbnail for larger view

I'm still that lil' boy that loves you tremendously. In the darkest times of my life, you have always been there to give me light. For all the wisdom and all the love, I can only say thank you and love you back.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!


Blogger Spelangel said...

hey dimples,
your mom is Gorgeous!!!!
i hope she had a wonderful birthday...

and she raised a wonderful son....

3/22/2005 11:40 AM  
Blogger Demobeatz said...

happy birff day to her

hope she has 100 more

3/30/2005 2:22 PM  

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